You can send your Clients an Email, containing personalized content. This allows you to have direct contact with your Clients.
Send a Client an Email in Mi-Gateway

You can send your Clients an Email, containing personalized content. This allows you to have direct contact with your Clients.
The Reports page in Mi-Gateway has a few features that will help with your client communications. For more information on Reports click here and for more information on Client Communication click here.
You can use the Clients and Mandates Download buttons to download CSV reports. CSV files are files with comma separated values that can be opened in Microsoft Excel.
This feature allows you to send a list of updated documents ,in the past month, to your registered clients. A Registered Client is a client that has accepted an invitation to use Mi-Gateway and can be invited by yourself. The documents that are included in the email, are specific and unique to the Registered Client. Please note…
The Mi-Plan software supports advisors, in helping to create optimized investment plans. This assists clients in planning for the future. The life cycle of the Mi-Plan application is as follows:
Mi-Plan assists you by illustrating the impact of the choices that you are considering on your investment plan. It provides a framework for you to visualize your investments performance going into the future.
In an environment of surprises and unknowns, many clients are anxious about the volatility and in some cases negative returns of their investment portfolios. In the pursuit of real inflation beating returns, the South African Fixed Interest market currently offers some attractive opportunities at considerably lower risk than most other asset classes. The Mi-Plan Enhanced Income fund…
The Clients page provides a list of the your clients. Clients can be created and edited. Mandates can be uploaded and all the client’s mandates can be viewed by clicking the “Mandates for Client” button. Click here for help on how to upload mandates. To view clients on the “Clients” page you will first need to…
The Mandates page is separated into three sections detailed below.
The Mandates For Clients page can be accessed through the clients page once you click the “View Mandates”icon.