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Mi-Plan provides a range of online management facilities for our investors and IFA partners.

Existing Unit Trust Investors

Mi-Plan investors can view and extract their statements.

Please note that there has been a change in the transfer agency from JTC Fund Solutions to Apex Group and as result, the portal’s URL has been changed. Should you have any issues accessing the portal, please contact the client services team at IP Management Company ( or 021 673 1340) for assistance. 

Mi-Plan financial planning software

Mi-Plan financial planning software enables financial advisors to create optimised and unique portfolios for their clients, store comprehensive records of advice, and facilitate annual reviews of clients’ investment goals.


Mi-Gateway provides access to online administration documentation – portfolio factsheets, brochures, reports, process documentation, due diligence records, meeting records, compliance documents – for MultiAsset and Mi-Plan model portfolio users.