MiPlan along with Allan Gray (1st) and PSG (2nd) were awarded the Managers of the Year awards for 2018, recognising “the unit trust managers with the most impressive performance across their family of funds over 5 years to December 31 2018 and taking into account performance, risk management and consistency, based on the highest average PlexCrown weighting for the suite of funds per major asset class managed by the manager, with weights applied to each asset class “.
What is very pleasing is the recognition of consistent performance across MiPlan’s broad range of products with the following nominations and awards:
- For the 3rd year running the MiPlan IP Global Macro Fund won the Raging Bull for the best SA Domiciled Global Multi Asset Flexible Fund.
- The MiPlan IP Global Macro Fund, together with Global IP Opportunity Fund, was ranked in the top 3 funds in the SA-Domiciled Global Multi-Asset Flexible Sector for straight performance over three years to December 31, 2018.
- The MiPlan IP Inflation Plus 7 Fund was ranked in the top 3 funds in the South African Multi-Asset Medium Equity sector for risk-adjusted performance over five years to December 31, 2018
Looking at the 10-year performance numbers across a full range of funds shows this consistent performance has been well established over all periods. Congratulations to Tony Bell, and Rowan Williams – Short, and also to our unit trust administration company IP Management Company which collected 5 Raging Bull awards across all its managers.
Financial advisers often cite the biggest contribution to a client’s financial wellbeing as being the ability to manage investor psychology. Looking at where the industry assets are invested against this year’s Raging Bulls award winners, could introduce an interesting debate!
Thank you to our loyal supporters and investors. Hopefully you are as delighted with our asset managers’ commitment and success as we are.
Download a full list of awards and nominations as well as full disclosures and methodology
Collective Investment Schemes are generally medium to long term investments. The value of participatory interests or the investment may go down as well as up. Past performance is not necessarily a guide to future performance. Collective investment schemes are traded at ruling prices and can engage in borrowing and scrip lending. A schedule of fees and charges and maximum commissions is available on request from the manager. Fund invest in portfolios of other Collective Investment Schemes that levy their own charges, which could result in a higher fee structure for the fund. The Manager does not provide any guarantee either with respect to the capital or the return of a portfolio. The Manager retains full legal responsibility for the Fund, regardless of Co-Naming arrangements. Transaction cut-off time is 14:30 daily. Each portfolio may be closed for new investments. Valuation time is 15:00 (17h00 at quarter end). Prices are published daily and available newspapers countrywide, as well as on request from the Manager. IP Management Company (RF) Pty Ltd is the authorised Manager of the Scheme – contact 021 673 1340 or clientservices@ipmc.co.za. Standard Bank is the trustee / custodian – contact compliance-IP@standardbank.co.za. Additional information including application forms, the annual report of the Manager and detailed holdings of the portfolio as at the last quarter end are available, free of charge, from clientservices@ipmc.co.za. IP Management Company is a member of ASISA. A statement of changes in the composition of the portfolio during the reporting period is available on request.
The portfolio may include foreign investments and the following additional risks may apply: liquidity constraints when selling foreign investments and risk of non-settlement of trades; macroeconomic and political risks associated with the country in which the investment is made; risk of loss on foreign exchange transactions and investment valuation due to fluctuating exchange rates; risk of foreign tax being applicable; potential limitations on availability of market information which could affect the valuation and liquidity of an investment. All of these risks could affect the valuation of an investment in the fund.
For All Disclosures please go to www.mi-plan.co.za